Thursday, March 6, 2008


Yesterday, before fetching son #2 from school, I took a bus to Concourse to look for some gift wrapping materials. I knew that the shops are shifting out of Concourse, but wasn't sure when. When I reached the place, 95% of the tenants have shifted out. It was quite like a ghost town now in Concourse.

There were 2 gifts/party ware shops and 1 flower shop still opened on the 2nd floor, so I went up to see what's left. I went into the first shop (shop#1), the shop keeper was packing their goods and told me that they are shifting to Tekka Mall. I said I thought I saw many signs outside showing that they are shifting to Middle Road. This old uncle from shop#1 told me NO! Only 1 store has moved there, the rest of them are now at Tekka Mall. I didn't pay too much attention to that and continued browsing.

I could not find the items I wanted, so I decided to go into the next shop (shop#2) which is still open. When I walked in, the auntie in shop#2 told me that they are moving to Middle Road. I was surprised once again, and I said, I thought most shops are moving to Tekka Mall ? She replied NO! only 1 gift/partyware store (pointing to shop#1) is moving to the TEKKA MALL, the rest which moved to Tekka Mall are flower stores. Most gift/partyware shops are now at Middle Road.

Wow, competition are so stiff that these old uncle and auntie are trying to 'eliminate' each other ! I have no idea who to believe! But I will, soon, because I still have not got the items that I set out to get ...

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